Is there a limit to the warm and the cold ?

Warm and cold are two compounds that define the temperature we feel all the time. well, is there a limit of these compounds ?
Let's get started with "Cold":
The lowest temperature in the world is -98°C that was seen in Antartica, west of the continent in 2018. If you would breathe the air, your throat and lungs will be frozen and you will be probably died in seconds.
And then... Could the temperature get lower level?

Most of you answer it "yes", I think. We live in gigantic space at least right? But the lowest temperature in the space is -273,15°C. This situation called absoloute zero
Let me explain it more:
When the molecules you see below get warmer, start vibrating, and when it get colder, it lose its motion. And in -273,15°C - the absoloute zero - it become exactly motionless, and this situation called zero entropy. However the quantum mechanism never let substances get the absoloute zero temperature. These substances could motion so slowly but never gotten 273,15°C temperature. According to Physics Law it is impossible to get absoloute zero because everything in the space is in motion. But this concept limited with substances people know. And the humanity change the most of the concepts could change this law as well.
 Well, yeah... There's a limit for cold, but how about warm? Is there limit for warm like cold?
The highest temperature measured in the world is 56,7°C in Death Valley, California, USA.
After this, the surface of the Sun - the nearest star - is more than 6000°C. And its center about 10.000.000°C. Of course there are planets warmer than sun. There are even far more warm 'nebulous' than the sun in the space.
Well, what could maximum temperature be?
According to the physicist Stephon Alexander's research, after Big Bang there were rapid expansion that there was no substance could be in reaction and the space had not heat in its base. Then the waves of the Space-Time started vibrating and it urged the first substance to get thermal balance. According to this theory the highest temperature in the space had become at that time. And for this time, it is 1,42 x 10^32 so °K. There are lots of 'zeroes' I know :)

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